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Forget Everything You Know About Real Estate

Online. Skip the agent. Make more.

Total transparency. Complete control. Half the listing fee.

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See how much more you'd make with Snapdoor...

Select listing price


With agentWithout agentWith Snapdoor
Sales price after commissions and taxes$925,000$825,075$992,250
Profit compared to agent+ $0- $99,925+ $67,250
Rate of successful sales96%11%98%
Time required of you25 hours160 hours40 hours
Why Snapdoor

Sellers make more on their terms

Get the highest market price with online bidding

Fact: When buyers compete, the best possible sales price is reached.

With Snapdoor...

  • Buyers compete online for your home just like with auctions
  • Guaranteed to reach the market price the fastest
  • No more guessing if your agent got the pricing right
  • Never leave money on the table with underpricing
  • Never waste precious days on market with overpricing
  • Sell on your terms and timeframe
  • Enjoy full visibility into all offers and buyer activity
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Frequently asked questions

Stuck on something? we are here to answer all of your questions

Is Snapdoor the right home selling solution for me?+
Yes, if your home has been properly maintained and upgraded.
Yes, if you plan to sell your home AS-IS, without any improvements.
Yes, if your home needs some work, but you’re willing to manage it.
No, if your home needs a lot of work and you need hand holding.
How do I make more with Snapdoor?+
Snapdoor helps you make more by getting you the highest price and the best terms.
Maximum Online Exposure. First, we help you prepare and price your home to generate maximum online exposure and the most buyers for your home. This is extremely important since 99% of home searches begin online. Your home will be listed on the Multiple Listing Service ("MLS"), Zillow, Redfin, Realtor.com, Homes.com, and hundreds of other real estate websites. Our online marketing strategies are designed to get your the highest possible price from the largest pool of buyers.
Online Offer Platform. Second, our transparent offer platform encourages buyers to compete with each other, resulting in the best possible offer for your home. We evaluate and rank offers so that you can select the one that’s right for you. Both price and terms are considered when evaluating offers. Buyers can see other offers online and improve their own. Using our pin-point pricing strategy, you end up receiving the best available offer from buyers we vet for you.
Instant Savings. Third, you save instantly with our low listing fee of 1.5% of the sales price, which is 50% off the 3% listing fee charged by traditional brokerages. The best part is that you still receive what you expect from competent, client-centric professionals: (1) full-service marketing, including photography, floor plans, brochures, and open house; (2) support throughout the sales process from start to finish; (3) advice on preparing your home for sale; and (4) guidance on completing seller and property disclosures and reviewing the sales contract.
If you are willing and able to prepare your home for sale yourself, relying on our professional recommendations, you will make $15,000 more on average from the sale of a $1M home. That’s a great return for investing 20 to 30 extra hours of sweat equity. It’s that simple.
How is Snapdoor different from traditional brokerages?+
Snapdoor is different from traditional brokerages in four important ways.
Complete Control. Snapdoor gives you complete control over the process of selling your home, while providing you unmatched professional advice and expert guidance. Traditional brokerages do not. You’re our boss, not the other way around.
Total Transparency. Snapdoor sells homes online and hides nothing from you. Total transparency. You know exactly where you are in the sales process as you navigate from the initial consultation to settlement. Once your house is listed, you can also track buyer activity online in real time. By contrast, if you work with a traditional brokerage and agent, all of this is mostly hidden from you. No more voodoo real estate when you list with Snapdoor.
Seller Insight. Snapdoor’s online offer platform lets you see what price and terms buyers are offering for your home. This allows you to choose the offer that’s best for you. Since buyers can see other offers, the platform encourages active buyer competition. and you get the best possible offer. Traditional brokerages do not provide the same real-time online visibility into buyer offers.
Instant Savings. Snapdoor charges 50% less in listing fees than many traditional brokerages
When selling with Snapdoor, you enjoy control, transparency, visibility, and affordability that are unmatched by traditional brokerages. Today’s savvy sellers demand this, and Snapdoor delivers.
What can Snapdoor do for me?+
Snapdoor will give all that you need to get the best possible price and terms.
  • Market-based pricing for your market and home, not some automated estimate.
  • Expert guidance on preparing your home and making it market-ready.
  • Aggressive marketing of your home, both online and in person.
  • Guidance on required seller disclosures and the home sales contract.
  • Dedicated support throughout the process of selling your home.
What you don’t get from Snapdoor is hand-holding and stress along the way.
Won’t I make more by selling my home myself?+
You may, but it’s statistically unlikely. Multiple studies have shown that only 10% to 15% of sellers have been successful in selling their home by themselves. And even when they are, the sales price is roughly 20% lower than comparable sales made by using an agent.
Many sellers don’t need the full scope of services offered by traditional agents. However, few know how best to prepare and price their homes. Snapdoor lets sellers enjoy full control over the process, while still receiving advice, support, and effort. This ensures that you won’t make any costly mistakes in excess of savings from agent commissions when selling solo.
Why aren’t more homes sold online?+
The short answer is that because homes vary across neighborhoods and even across homes in the same neighborhood, both pricing and preparation must be customized. Add to this the fact that seller needs also vary significantly. Since customization is required, there is a limit to how much of the process can take place online. Home sales cannot be fully digitized.
However, many important steps in selling your home can take place online. These include: (1) managing the sales of your home from consultation to settlement; (2) enabling submissions of competing offers online; and (3) tracking buyer activity and choosing the offer that’s best for you.
Snapdoor’s proprietary technology puts you at the center, allowing you to enjoy full visibility at every stage, including bidding, marketing, closing, and all the other work that Snapdoor does for you. We are motivated by transparency, control, quality, convenience, and fairness, all of which are furthered by our online approach.
How can I avoid the top three mistakes sellers make?+
Neglecting home preparation, overpricing your home, and ignoring professional advice are the top three mistakes when selling a home. Snapdoor helps avoid all three.
First, by providing detailed and customized guidance on home preparation we help you present your home in the best possible light. This in turn helps maximize exposure and buyer interest in your home.
Second, our pricing recommendation is rooted solidly in comparable sales data and other market indicators. This allows you to avoid overpricing your home. We also use the concept of a “Seller Minimum” price to protect you from underpricing. Snapdoor’s approach to pricing allows you to get the highest possible price for your home without it languishing on the market for weeks or even months.
Third, you get advice and support from our dedicated team of Snapdoor professionals throughout the process. Our expertise is deep and fact-based. The single biggest mistake you can make as a seller is picking the wrong brokerage or wrong agent. You avoid this when you choose to work with Snapdoor.

Still have questions?

If you have any questions or need guidance, our dedicated team of snapdoor experts is here to support you at every step of the way.